Creation of the labour ptrinting house by Gaston Brodart in Arcis sur Aube.
Rich of its history, and the men who created it, the commercial requirements we impose ourselves, new ways we choose to explore, we should keep in mind the notion of service and work welldone.
Because it’s all about family history, we ensure that listening to, accompanying and supporting our co-workers is a part of what we pass down from generation to generation. Together we’ll go further.
- Of people, of who they are, of what they bring to us - Of our commitment to our teams, to our suppliers, to our clients. - Of the environment, whether it is local or global because here again, it’s a matter of heritage.
This century of passion for our work has allowed us to develop essential experience and skills to achieve your projects. We invest today into the men and tools we’ll need tomorrow.
Industrial sites
millions m2 production a year
and his mother Jeanne.